蔡正富先生来大陆投资已有近二十年,他所领导的艾美特电器以一种“做好再做大,做精再做强”的品牌意识,从来料加工到代客设计加工再到创立自主品牌,不断成长。2008年艾美特电器终获“中国驰名商标”。 从1990年深圳成立全国最早的台商协会时,蔡先生就出任深圳台商协会秘书长,开始深入了解国家政策,了解深圳。他凭借特有的企业家精神,抓住机遇引领了艾美特发展的奇迹。蔡先生对企业经营理念、创新意识、产品品牌意识更有着独到的见解。 蔡先生出任中心首席顾问,致力于促进研究中心与企业的合作。力求加强中心与产业界的联系,将产业界前沿的信息与需求与科研工作的方向相结合。同时也致力于以企业的资金实力支持中心的科研任务,使科研成果尽快产业化,以创造价值,推动企业的发展,推动信息技术的产业化。
潘正祥教授 Prof. 潘正祥 荣誉主任
潘正祥教授,英国爱丁堡大学电机工程学博士, IET fellow(英国工程与科技会士) ,台湾高雄应用科技大学教授,哈尔滨工业大学兼职博士生导师,国际会议IIHMSP、ICICIC创办者,国际期刊 JIH-MSP 主编、IJICIC 共同主编。
曾国坤副教授 Dr. 曾国坤 副教授
陈建铭副教授 Dr. 陈建铭 副教授
Chien-Ming Chen is currently an associate professor at Innovative Information Industry Research Center (IIIRC) at School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, China. He was graduated and earned his Ph.D. degree with major in Computer Science from National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan in 2010. His research interests include network security, wireless sensor networks, VANET, cryptography, digital right management. Email: chienming.taiwan@gmail.com
林浚玮副教授 Dr. 林浚玮 副教授
Jerry Chun-Wei Lin is currently an associate professor at Innovative Information Industry Research Center (IIIRC) at School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, China. He was graduated and earned his Ph.D. degree with major in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan in 2010. His research interests include data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence, social computing, multimedia and image processing, and privacy-preserving technologies. Email: jerrylin [at] ieee.org
唐琳琳老师 Dr. 唐琳琳 助理教授
台湾成功大学电机工程博士,台湾高雄应用科技大学教授、电资学院(College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)院长。
南澳(South Australia)大学硕士论文审查委员(91年)
ICICIC及IIHMSP IEEE国际学术研讨会咨议委员及论文审查委员(94年~)
1986年~1995年,在经济部科专支持下,与雷晟科技研发「智慧型雷射雕刻核心(Smart Laser Center)」,成功结合了影像视觉定位、雷射CNC、控制自动教导读取切割学习系统及CorelDeaw图型人机介面,并获颁经济部精品奖。
1983年,与成大医学院合作,成功研发「PC-based DNPV伏安仪」,成功量测小白鼠在药物刺激下,脑神经传导物质超微分泌分布量,在生医电子领域是一大突破。
Dr. Junzo Watada is a Professor of Knowledge Engineering, Soft Computing and Management Engineering at the Graduate School of Information, Production & Systems, the Waseda University since 2003, after a professor of Human Informatics and Knowledge Engineering, at the School of Industrial Engineering, the Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan.
Also Dr. Watada gave a lecture on Management Information Systems for 8 years at Faculty of Business Administration, Ryukoku University at Kyoto. Before moving to Academia, he was with Fujitsu Co. Ltd. as a senior systems engineer for 7 years.
Research Interests:
His research interests includes business decision making and management of technology and engineering as well as fuzzy system methodologies, decision support systems and experts systems, DNA computer, data analysis, etc.. Recently he works actively on financial as engineering. He published two monogram books, 44 book chapters and 150 journal academic papers.
Dr. Junzo Watada was born at Osaka in 1945. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Osaka City University, Japan, and Dr. of Eng. degree through the research on fuzzy multivariate analysis from Osaka Prefecture University, Japan.
Academic Contribution :
Dr. Watada is now the President of International Society of Management Engineers and he was the President of Bio-Medical Fuzzy Systems Association (2001-2003). He was the Vice President of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems for two years (1993-1995) and was a board committee of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems, and also serve as an advisory board member for several international and domestic societies and also an editorial board member for international and domestic journals including the co-principal editor of ICIC express letters and IDT journal.
Dr. Watada received
1) The Contribution Award at ISIS2002 in Korea on August 25, 2001,
2) Henri Coanda Gold Medal in Romania on July 17, 2002,
3) Excellent Presentation Award of SCIS2002 at Tsukuba on October 21-25, 2002,
4) Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics as Certified Professional Ergonomist by Japan Ergonomics Society on August 3, 2003,
5) Contribution Award, Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, November, 2004,
6) Fellow, Society of Japan Intelligent Informatics and Fuzzy Systems, January 10, 2005, and
7) The Contribution Award, International Anniversary Symposium “Grigore C. Moisil” SASM2005, May 1-3, 2005
8) The Contribution Award, Japan Society of Fuzzy Theory and Intellectual Informatics, September 10, 2005,
9) The Contribution Award to developing fuzzy systems, on behalf of Professor L.A. Zadeh, BISC, Special Event 40 years of Fuzzy Systems, November 3, 2005.
10) Best paper award, KAIS2011, November 5, 2011 on “Meta-heuristic-based Analysis of Imbalanced Two-classed Data”
11) Several best paper awards with his students
Contact Information:
2-7 Hibikino, Wakamatsu, Kitakyushushi, Fukuoka 808-135 JAPAN
e-mail: junzow@osb.att.ne.jp
张教授对于数据库设计、电子多媒体影像技术、密码学、电子商务安全等领域有卓越的研究贡献。目前为国际电子电机工程师学会(IEEE)院士与英国电机工程师学会 (IEE)院士。曾获台湾第一届十大杰出资讯人才奖、青年奖章、龙腾十杰奖、杰出电机工程教授奖、杰出工程教授奖、中山学术着作奖、连续五届国科会杰出研究奖、东元科技奖、李远哲杰出人才发展基金会杰出人才奖、潘文渊文教基金会研究杰出奖、国科会杰出特约研究员。此外,张教授曾获各地学术团体、机构授与名誉教授、讲座教授、荣誉教授、客座教授、名誉主任、名誉理事长、荣誉顾问、荣誉讲座、杰出校友、特约研究员等多项荣衔,并发表信息科学论文400余 篇和学术专著10册。同时也担任国际学术团体、台湾政府机构和一些学术组织多项委员会咨询、顾问工作。
数据库设计、 电子商务安全、 电子多媒体影像技术、 密码学
- Journal of Networks 国际期刊之网络计算的最新发展 (Guest Editor), 2009 年 6 月起。
- Journal of Internet Technology 国际期刊之电子商务与安全特刊特邀编委 (Guest Editor), 2009 年 1 月起。
- Journal of Software 国际期刊之电子商务与安全特刊特邀编委 (Guest Editor), 2009 年 1 月起。
- International Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing 共同总编辑, 2009 年 1 月迄今。
- 韩国 Journal of Future Generation Information Technology 国际期刊编辑委员, 2009 年 1 月迄今。
- Kansei Engineering and Soft Computing: Theory and Practice 编辑指导委员, 2009 年 1 月迄今。
- International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology 国际期刊编辑委员, 2009 年 1 月迄今。
- 芬兰 Journal of Communications 国际期刊之电子商务与安全特刊特邀编委 (Guest Editor), 2008 年 8 月起。
- 芬兰 Journal of Computers 国际期刊之电子商务与安全特刊特邀编委 (Guest Editor), 2008 年 8 月起。
- 香港 International Journal of Intelligent Information Technology Application 国际期刊指导委员, 2008 年 7 月起。
- 韩国 Journal of Supercomputing 国际期刊特邀编委, 2008 年 1 月起。
- Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA08) 论文集共同编委 (co-editor),2008 年。
- Special Issue-Mobile Computing for Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (JPCC) 国际期刊之行动运算特刊特邀编委 (Guest Editor),2008 年。
- 瑞士 International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions 国际期刊编辑委员,2007 年 10 月起。
- 日本 International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms (KESDP) 国际期刊编辑委员,2007 年 10 月起。
- The Open Information Science Journal 国际期刊编辑委员,2007 年 10 月起。
1 荣获国立中兴大学颁授“资讯安全讲座教授”荣衔 (2009年2月1日)
2 荣获于中国广州举行的IEEE国际电子商务与安全会议(IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security)最佳论文奖(2008年8月)。
3 荣获全世界DBLP研究创作成果最丰硕学者(Most Prolific DBLP Authors) 第二名 (http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/prolific/index.html), (2008年4月)。
4 荣获全世界DBLP研究创作成果最丰硕学者(Most Prolific DBLP Authors)第七名 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/index.html, (2007年8月)。
5 荣获全球工程、科学与技术学会所发行之期刊「GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering」最佳论文奖(2006年9月)。
6 荣获2006年IEEE学会于中国北京举办之国际创意计算、资讯与控制会议「最佳论文奖」(2006 年 8 月)。
7 荣获2006年国际工程师学会于香港举办之国际电脑科学会议 (International Workshop on Computer Science)学术着作功绩奖 (2006 年 7 月)。
8 荣获国际传记研究院 Year 2006 Top 500 World's Most Influential Scientist Award。
9 荣获国科会研究计画第一级奖(2005年8月-2008年7月)。
10 荣获2005年中华民国资讯安全学会最高荣誉「杰出贡献奖」(2005年6月)。
11 荣获国立中正大学颁授「荣誉教授」荣衔 (2005年1月)。
12 荣获2004年于日本福岗举办之第十八届国际资讯网路与应用会议「卓越论文奖」(The excellent paper award)。
13 获国际密码研究学会(IACR)颁赠感谢状,以表彰担任2003年亚洲密码学会议大会主席,圆满成功地筹画及办理该会议,对于全世界密码学界做出具体贡献(2003年12月)。
同时为成功高中荣誉校友、英国电脑学会(BCS)与国际工程技术学会(IET)会士,且获聘担任国际知名学刊JIT,IJIPT,IJAHUC,IET Communications,IET Networks等收录于SCI或EI的学刊总主编。
- 美国纽奥良大学工程应用科学博士
- 美国纽奥良大学机械硕士
- 2007.8~现今 台湾高雄应用科技大学应用工程科学研究所助理教授
- 2004.2~2007.7 台湾大叶大学电机工程学系助理教授
- 1999.8~2004.1 台湾建国科技大学电机工程系助理教授
- 1998.8~1999.8 美国纽奥良大学工程软体整合高级专员
主要研究方向为 图像处理 模式识别 航天电子设备
- 2008.7-至今 哈尔滨工业大学自动化测试与控制系 讲师
- 2008.9-至今 哈尔滨工业大学控制科学与工程学科 博士后
- 2004.9-2008.7 哈尔滨工业大学 自动化测试与控制系 博士研究生
- 2002.9-2004.7 哈尔滨工业大学 航天工程与力学系 硕士研究生
- 1998.9-2002.7 哈尔滨工业大学 自动化测试与控制系 本科
- 航天科技创新基金重点项目, XX卫星图像成像有效载荷XX信号处理器关键技术研究
- 黑龙江省博士后科学基金, 三维碎片拼接算法研究
- 中国博士后科学基金, 基于人脸图像的年龄估计算法研究
- 总参XX所, XX系统的研制
1 Jun-Bao Li, Jeng-Shyang Pan and Shu-Chuan Chu, “Kernel Class-wise Locality Preserving Projection”, Information Sciences, Volume 178, Issue 7, 2008, Page(s): 1825-1835. (SCI: 277OX &EI: 080611080957, IF (2008): 3.095)
2 Jeng-Shyang Pan, Jun-Bao Li and Zhe-Ming Lu, “Adaptive Quasiconformal Kernel Discriminant Analysis”, Neurocomputing. Volume 71, 2008, Page(s): 2754-2760.(SCI:347DP &EI: 084811741501 IF (2008): 1.234)
3 Jun-Bao Li, Shu-Chuan Chu, Jeng-Shyang Pan and Jiun-Huei Ho, “Adaptive Data-Dependent Matrix Norm Based Gaussian Kernel for Facial Feature Extraction”, International Journal on Innovative Computing, Information and Control. Volume 3, Number 5, October 2007 Page(s): 1263-1272. (SCI: 207IB) IF(2008): 2.791)
4 Jun-Bao Li, Jeng-Shyang Pan and Zhe-Ming Lu. Kernel Optimization-Based Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition. Neural Computing and Applications. Volume 18, Issue 6 (2009), Page(s): 603-612. (SCI, EI) IF(2008): 0.767)
5 Jun-Bao Li, Jeng-Shyang Pan and Zhe-Ming Lu. Face recognition using Gabor-based complete Kernel Fisher Discriminant analysis with fractional power polynomial models. Neural Comput & Applic,Volume 18, Issue 6 (2009), Page(s): 613-621. DOI: 10.1007/s00521-009-0272-0(SCI, EI) IF(2008): 0.767)
6 Jun-Bao Li, Huijun Gao and Jeng-Shyang Pan.Common Vector Analysis of Gabor Features with Kernel Space Isomorphic Mapping for Face Recognition. International Journal on Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 2009.(with revision) (SCI index) IF(2008): 2.791)
7 Jun-Bao Li, Jeng-Shyang Pan, “A novel pose and illumination robust face recognition with a single training image per person algorithm”, Chinese Optics Letters, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2008, Page(s): 255-257.(SCI: 457XT,EI: 082211286437)
8 Jun-Bao Li, Shu-Chuan Chu, Jeng-Shyang Pan, “Discriminant Parallel Feature Fusion Based on Maximum Margin Criterion for Pattern Classification”, Journal of Digital Information Management, ISSN 0972-7272, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2008, pp. 203-207. (EI).
9 LI Jun-Bao, PAN Jeng-Shyang. A novel kernel based supervised manifold learning. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 2008(03):388-394. (EI)(in Chinese)
10 LI Jun-Bao. Modeling Optimal Modular Bus System Design for Rapid Responsive Spacecraft. Journal of Astronautics. May 2009, (EI index, in press)
11 LI Jun-Bao and GAO Hui-Jun. Data-Dependent Kernel Function Based Kernel Optimization Algorithm. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 2009. (EI)(Accepted, in Chinese)
陈昭和教授曾发表学术论文百余篇,曾获第三屆IEEE智能信息隐藏及多媒体信号处理(IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing)国际会议最佳论文奖,并拥有多项专利。
图像压缩及分割技术(Compression (JPEG, MPEG series))
陈昭和教授在图像视频处理相关领域取得了丰硕的研究成果,曾发表学术论文百余篇,并曾获IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing最佳论文奖。近年来,陈教授所主持的科研项目“智慧型数字视频监控系统”中,在相关方面所取得的突破性进展荣获多项专利:
1. 在视觉显示处理方面已开发出小尺寸中文字型之高品质显示方法,其中使用超取样后滤波之知觉调整的方式与减笔划的方式,且分别接受国科会计划NSC88-2213-E-218-013与NSC89-2213-E-218-017之补助;并曾发表于下列国际学术会议、投稿国际性学术期刊(SCI)与申请专利:
- [1] Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, Y. C. Chiou and C. T. Huang, “A Small-Size Chinese Font Display by Perception-Based Method ” IEEE 2004 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Singapore, Oct. 2004. (pp. 2407-2410)
- [2] Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, Da-Jinn Wang and Tsong-Yi Chen, “A High-Quality Display Method for Small-Size Chinese Characters by Perception-Based Grid-Fitting Rules,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 033002-(1-11), Jul.-Sep. 2007. [SCI&EI 期刊]
- [3] ”小尺寸文字之高品质显示方法” , 中华民国-发明专利, 证书字号:I250507, 发照日期:2006/03/1, 终止日期:2024/11/15 发明人: 陈昭和
2. 在开发移动物体的计数系统(flow-counting system)已发展出人口流之计数(people-flow counter)器的原型, 曾接受国科会小产学计划NSC94-2622-E-151-028-CC3之补助, 经多次改进并发表于国际学术会议与国际性学术期刊(SCI) 与申请专利:
- [1] Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen and C. W. Hsu, “An Automatic Bi-Directional Passing-People Counting Method Based on Color-Image Processing,” 37th IEEE (2003) International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Taiwan, Oct. 2003. (pp. 200-207)
- [2] Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, Tsong-Yi Chen and Zhi-Xian Chen,“An Intelligent People-Flow Counting Method for Passing Through a Gate”, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics&Intelligent Systems (CIS), Bangkok, Thailand,
- June 2006. (pp. 573-578)
- [3] Tsong-Yi Chen, Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen and Da-Jinn Wang, “A Cost-Effective People-Counter for Passing Through a Gate Based on Image Processing,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC).
- (Accepted) [SCI&EI 期刊]
- [4] “闸口进出人流计数方法” (审查中), 中华民国-发明专利, 申请日期: 2006/1/6, 申请案号: 95100559, 发明人: 陈昭和
- [5] “Method for Counting People Passing Through A Gate” (审查中)美国-发明专利, 申请案号: USA 11/681,148, 申请日期: 2007/3/1发明人: 陈昭和
3.在该DVR的原型加入火燄与烟雾侦测功能, 此修改版(A Cost-Effective Early Fire-Alarming System Based on Video Processing)曾于2006/11/21获教育部主办国际DSP技能竞赛“2006 International Exhibition Contest on Digital Signal Processing Creative Designs”之第1名,多种改进版并发表于国际学术会议,并获得国内外专利或申请中:
- [1] Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, C. L. Kao and S. M. Chang “An Intelligent Real-Time Fire-Detection Method Based on Video Processing,” 37th IEEE (2003) International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Taiwan, Oct. 2003. (pp. 104-111)
- [2] Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, P. H. Wu and Y. C. Chiou, “An Early Fire-Detection Method Based on Image Processing,” IEEE 2004 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Singapore, Oct. 2004. (pp. 1707-1710)
- [3] Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, Yen-Hui Yin and Shi-Feng Huang, “The Smoke Detection for Early Fire-Alarming System Based on Video Processing”, IEEE 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing
- (IIHMSP), USA, Dec. 2006. (pp. 427-430).
- [4] Da-Jinn Wang, Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, Yen-Hui Yin, Tsong-Yi Chen, “Smoke Detection for Early Fire-Alarming System Based on Video Processing”, Journal of Digital Information Management (Accepted) [EI 期刊]
- [5] ”侦测一预定区域中之早期火灾生成之方法及影像监视系统”, 中华民国-发明专利, 证书字号:I235964, 发照日期:2005/07/11, 终止日期:2024/03/09, 发明人: 陈昭和 , 高政良.
- [6] ”应用影像撷取侦测火灾生成之方法及其系统” , 中华民国-发明专利, 证书字号:I264684, 发照日期:2006/10/21, 终止日期:2024/11/15,发明人: 陈昭和
- [7] ”Method and System for Detecting Fire in a Predetermined Area” , 美国-发明专利, 专利案号 US 7098796B2, 发照日期:2006/8/29, 终止日期:2024/8/31, 发明人: 陈昭和 高政良
- [8] ” Fire Detection Method and System Based on Image Processing” (审查中), 美国-发明专利, 申请案号: USA 11/419,751, 申请日期: 2006/5/22, 发明人: 陈昭和
- [9] “基于视讯处理的烟雾侦测方法”, 发明专利, 申请案号: 096139022 , 申请日期: 2007/10/18, 发明人: 陈昭和 尹燕辉 高政良
- [10] “SMOKE DETECTION METHOD BASED ON VIDEO PROCESSING”, 发明专利, 申请案号: USA 11/938,786 申请日期: 2007/11/13, 发明人: 陈昭和 (Chao-Ho Chen)、尹燕辉、高政良
Dr. Muhammad Khurram Khan is Manager R&D at Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA), College of Computer & Information Sciences, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Currently, he is performing the duties of General Co-Chair for the IEEE ISBAST’10. He is Program Co-Chair of SecTech’10, ACN’10, and ASEA’10. Furthermore, he performs duties of Publicity Co-Chair of NSS’10, ICIC’10, MUE’10, SIP’10, FGCN’10, UCMA’10, and BSBT’10. He is an advisory board of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (AST’10). Moreover, he is workshop management chair of 4th International Conference on Information Security and Assurance (ISA 2010), Japan.
Dr. Khurram is in technical program committee of several international conferences e.g. ICPR’10, ICIAR’10, MINES’10, AICCSA’10, ScalCom’10, ICIC’10, ICWAPR’10, PDCAT’09, ACSA’09, RISC’09, ICWAPR’09, ScalCom’09, ICIC’09, ICIC’08, ICPADS’08, HPCC’08, ICWAPR’08, ICIC’07, and ICIC’06.
Dr. Khurram is an active reviewer of many international journals e.g. IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part B, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part C, IEEE Potentials Magazine, Journal of Neurocomputing (Elsevier Science), Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (John Wiley & Sons), Journal of Applied Sciences, Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier Science), Journal of DSP (Elsevier Science), Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), Telecommunication Systems (Springer), International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Taylor & Francis), Machine Vision and Applications (Springer), and IETE Technical Review. Dr. Khurram is a visiting scholar at the Southwest Jiaotong University, China. He has been included in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2010 edition. He has been recently awarded outstanding leadership award at 3rd IEEE NSS’09, Australia. He has published more than 60 research papers in the journals and conferences of international repute. His areas of interest are biometrics, multimedia security, chaotic cryptography, digital data hiding, and cryptology.
The research interests, academic and professional activities of Dr. Khurram can be visited at http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/khurram