Welcome to The Fourth International Conference On Genetic and Evolutionary Computing 2010


News of ICGEC-2010

  • 2009-06-05
    Important Dates

    The deadline for paper submission July 25, 2010
    The date for notification August 20, 2010
    The deadline for camera-ready paper submission September 10, 2010


  • Paper Submission
    Papers are invited from prospective authors with interest on the related areas. Each paper should follow the IEEE paper format (DOC, LaTex Formatting Macros, PDF) with title, authors' names, affiliations and email addresses, an up to 150-words abstract, and a two-column body with 4 single-spaced pages and with font size at 10 pts. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format only. Before submitting your papers, please register to get the user ID and password for the paper submission.