潘正祥教授应邀ICETET2009 Keynote Speaker
国际会议ICETET2009(International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, 2009)将于09年12月16日至18日在印度那格浦尔召开。哈工大深研院28365 一365.com亚洲版手机主任潘正祥教授将作为Keynote Speaker应邀出席会议。届时潘教授将发表主题为 “Bio-inspired Information Hiding” 的主题演讲。http://www.icetet.org/invited_spakers.html
国际会议ICETET由印度那格浦尔G.H.Raisoni工程学院(G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur,INDIA)创办于2008年,主要涉及智能计算及相关诸多领域。
VLSI & SoC |
Distributed Intelligent Systems |
Data Mining |
Enterprise Information Systems |
Optimization |
Signal Processing & Applications |
Scalable Computing |
Semantic Web and Web Services |
Thermal Engineering |
Foundations of Computer Science |
Disaster Management |
Intelligent Transportations System |
Medical Mechatronics |
Power Electronics & Drives System |
Software Engineering |
Productivity & Quality Management |
Industrial Applications |
Intelligent Power & Energy Systems |
Biomedical Engineering |
Embedded Systems and Applications |
Wireless Communications |
Parallel Computing and Applications |
Alternate Energy Systems |
Simulation, Modeling and Visualization |
Environmental Protection |
Soft Computing & Artificial Intelligence |
Computational Intelligence |
Information and Knowledge Engineering |
Intelligent Internet Systems |
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
Human Computer Interaction |
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology |
Robotics & Intelligent Sensing |
Information Systems for Design & Marketing |
Information Assurance & Intelligent Multimedia-Mobile Communications |
e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Governance |
Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent Systems |
国际会议ICETET2009会议论文将由IEEE Computer Society出版。 http://www.icetet.org/